2022 Graduates

Words from Faculty

felicia smiling
Dear MST Graduates,

On behalf of the MST faculty and staff, CONGRATULATIONS!! Can you believe how fast the academic year has flown by! Imagine the first day you came to campus to start your program and take classes and the excitement you felt. I imagine you are feeling the same way right now. Completing your program—whether it took you one year, two years, three years, or a bit longer than that, is a major achievement worth the excitement, celebration, and feelings you are experiencing right now. We look forward to celebrating with you over the next couple of weeks and at the official graduation ceremony. Know that you can come back to campus and experience a new first day again—the first day you come back to visit us as a TC alum! We are so very proud of you! We celebrate you!

View the graduation gallery and celebrate alongside your fellow MST peers who have done amazing work and made valuable contributions to our collective learning as a remarkable department. We know you will continue to do great things to improve the world around you-- you're MST Alum! Thank you for spending part of your lives with us in the Mathematics Education program area, the Science Education fourth floor of Zankel, and the CMLTD program open space in Thompson. Please keep in touch; we love hearing from our alumni!

Felicia Moore Mensah

Chair, Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology

Congratulations Class of 2022

grad photo
Allison smiling
Science Education, PhD

Dissertation: Teacher Leadership and Science Instructional Practice: Teaching Elementary Science in a Time of Crisis

Thank you to all the amazing faculty in the MST department at TC. I could not have completed my degree without everyone's support. The faculty in MST were incredible educators who helped me grow and develop my ideas as a researcher.


anisha smiling
Mathematics Education, EdD

Dissertation: “Like Flying Blind:” Instructors’ Stories About Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Congratulations to my fellow graduates!


chelsea smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA

Congratulations to the entire 2022 graduating class!

Beyond grateful to my advisor, Dr. Jin Kuwata, and the rest of the teaching crew with a special nod to Dr. Paulo Blikstein. A special thank you to my long list of peers, especially my TC rock (you know you who are!), who showed me grace and support in all my pursuits here at TC.

Most importantly, to my parents: We did it through everything. I'm so proud of us! Te amo siempre.

cole posing
Science Education, PhD

Dissertation: "You Can't Do Everything": In Search of Better, More Equitable Science Methods Courses

Big thanks to the many people without whom this never could have happened: Dr. Mensah, Dr. Riccio, the MST Faculty, the future Dr. Asia Jackson, and (of course) my family! I'll miss the motley crew of dreamers and warriors here at TC Science Education. Onward and upward, good people!


di smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. Be brave!


echo smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
What a rocky yet wonderful journey. I will forever cherish the friendships and memories I've made at MST. Congratulations and best of luck to everyone!


emma smiling
Mathematics Education, MA
I had such a great experience at TC that I'm staying! I'm very excited to be returning to begin my doctoral degree this summer, after graduating with my Master's in Mathematics Education! Congrats 2022 graduates!


evan smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Thank you to all the members of the CMLTD program! I had a wonderful experience earning my master's at Teachers College.


hengzhi smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Magic two years at TC. I will miss all the friends I met here. Best wishes to all of you!


hongjin smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
A hearty thanks to all my amazing professors and lovely classmates/lab friends, who have so positively impacted my life in the past 2 years. I feel so lucky to have been a part of the Class of 2022, and I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my super supportive advisor, Dr. Chang, as well as the awesome instructors who have guided me through this rewarding journey: Dr. Kuwata, Dr. Holbert, Dr. Literat, Dr. Lee, Dr. Meier, Dr.Chase, and Dr. Tversky! I will never forget the time we spent together at TC, and I’m sure our paths will cross again in the future!


hyun smiling
Mathematics Education, MA
Thank you to all the faculty, especially to my professors and peers in the Mathematics Education program for an amazing experiences. I also want to thank my family and friends because I wouldn't have made it without your support!


hyunsoo smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
I've been blessed with special friendships and network the CMLTD have cultivated.


isabel smiling
Mathematics Education, MA
I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to study at a world-renowned school. What once seemed like an impossible dream has now become a reality. I want to express my endless gratitude towards to the entire Math department at TC as well as my peers. Thank you for helping me find my love for math again and for giving me the strength to believe in myself!


jiahui smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Thanks TC for the wonderful time! I will always miss the lovely people here (and the buildings that I still could get lost in :P ).


jiajin smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
From ideation to execution, from tradition to innovation, MST empowers me to be a better educator, entrepreneur, and critical thinker. Thanks for MST supporting and inspiring us to prepare to change the communities. Now, it's the time for us to deliver what we have been practicing to make a better world.


jiaqi smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
This is the first day of the rest of my life.


Jonathan smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
I would like to sincerely thank the talented faculty and my brilliant peers for a world class learning experience at Teachers College, Columbia University. Congrats to my fellow class of 2022 graduates! Please continue to inspire positive change in the world with your beautiful hearts and minds. I have no doubt that you will! Remember what Nelson Mandela said: "It always seems impossible until it's done."


joowon smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Thank you for a wonderful experience!


khye smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA


kyle smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, EdD

Dissertation: Becoming Tapestry: A Multimodal Ethnographic Podcast Exploring Storytelling and Belonging in a Faith-Adjacent Foster Youth Mentoring Network

Many thanks to everyone who taught, mentored, and supported me, especially the MASCLab crew. It’s been a privilege making meaning making media with you.


maria smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
I really appreciate the experience of diving more into my passion with the support and help of my professors and colleagues. Instructional Technology and Design is the best! Thank you!


michelle smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Congratulations to all 2022 graduates. I would also like to express my thankfulness to all MSTU professors. The hard work you put into the program made my TC experience extraordinary.


monica posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, EdD

Dissertation: Bridging Constructionism & Metacognition: Productive Artifact Documentation for Elementary School Maker Education

A huge thank you to my dissertation committee - Professors Nathan Holbert, Paulo Blikstein, Sandra Okita & Jennifer Lena! Shoutout to my CMLTD doctoral colleagues for showering me with warmth and support throughout my academic journey 饮水思源: As an alumna, I hope to give back to the TC community, as TC has opened so many doors for me!

mulan posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Completing the graduate study throughout the pandemic has been a tough but incredibly memorable journey. Thank you to my parents, professors and friends for all the support and guidance.


puxin posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Looking forward to a new journey!


qianli posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Fight on with lionheart!


rong posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
When thinking back on my study experience at Columbia TC Instructional Technology and Media program, there are so many wonderful and special memories I am thankful for. Every classes and conversations with faculty members and classmates, half of online and half of in-person learning experiences during Covid, and learning projects I worked with teammates become the sources of inspiration for me to keep solving real world problems in the future. Congratulations, Class of 2022! May the sparks be with you.


thomonique smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
It's been such a pleasure to work with and learn from my peers at TC and within the CMLTD program over the last two years! I'm so excited to for this next chapter in my journey toward a career that centers technology, education, and equity. Special shoutout to Dr. Price-Dennis for being an incredible mentor and friend from the beginning until now. Thank you for all of the opportunities this program has presented me with, and wishing everyone the best of luck for the future! :)


tianqi smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
My sincere thanks to everyone I met at Teachers College. Challenging, engaging, wonderful and surprising - WE DID IT!


tyrone photo
Science Education, PhD

Dissertation: Reconceptualizing What it Looks Like to Enact Project-Based Science in Urban and Multicultural Settings: A Case Study

Special thanks to the wonderful faculty and staff at TC! Congratulations to all 2022 graduates.


vera smiling
Mathematics Education, PhD

Dissertation: Integration of Technology in Mathematics Education: The Role of Teacher Preparation Institutions

Earning a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Columbia University is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Thank you to my academic advisors, and all the professors and other TC community members who supported me during my doctoral journey. I am so grateful for everyone’s contribution in making this journey such a unique and rewarding experience! I look forward to continuing my work in the field of mathematics education and to collaborating with others dedicated to improving the preparation/education of U.S. teachers and students. God Bless The U.S.A! Congratulations to the class of 2022!



weikang smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Thank you TC! It's been a rich learning experience!


xiaoxue smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, EdD

Dissertation: Technology and Special Education: Designing Effective Professional Development for Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms

Thank you for all the inspiration and encouragement from the department. Super grateful for the mentorship from Professor Ellen Meier and Professor Sandra Okita.



xinyi smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
The two-year journey at Teachers College is amazing. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Chang, and the instructors who taught me before: Dr. Kuwata, Dr. Lee, Dr. Holbert, Dr. Lowes, Dr. Conover, Dr. Hu-Au, Dr. Du, Dr. Sohn, and Dr. Echtenkamp. I feel so lucky to meet so many good people here. Hope everyone can be a better version of themselves and hope we can meet again in the bright future :)


yiming smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
It's been a great experience and I was able to meet so many awesome people through this program. Congrats to everyone who is graduating this year and best of luck!


ying-chen smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Thank you to CMLTD and TC for all the wonder experiences, memories, and connections! Congratulations class of 2022!


yining posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
These two years have been a wonderful journey in my life. I have learned a lot and received so much help and support from my professors and my friends here. Thank you, all!


yizhang posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
I have so many good memories and met so many excellent people in MST. I hope everyone has a bright future!


yulun smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Congratulation to all graduates, and best wishes for the next adventure!


yutong smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Very enjoy the study journey at ITM, it helps me to find what I want to do after graduation and what my passion is, and thanks to all the professors and friends that I met during the two years, wish you all the best and hope we could meet each other in the near future.


yuxin smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
May the force be with you.


zhiwei smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Whatever I’ve achieved today, it’s culminated with the help of my friends and family. Thanks to them for being understanding and helpful in this tough period.


ziyi smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Congratulations everyone! Hope you all have a great future!


weizhi smiling
Mathematics Education, MA
The study at Teachers College is fun and rewarding. I want to thank all of the professors. The lessons are inspiring and I enjoy the diversified discussions with classmates. One of the most valuable experiences is the student teaching in middle and high schools. I appreciate this teaching opportunity and I am grateful for the cooperating teachers' help.


qingqing smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
This study experience in teacher school will be one of the best memories of my life. I am really thankful for all the professors and classmates I met, who grew and learned together with me. Also, I would like to thank myself for my efforts to graduate and achieve learning goal.


sameen smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Starting entirely virtually to hybrid and then in-person, these two years have been quite a journey. Thankful to the amazing community at CMLTD that made each experience meaningful and highly rewarding.


pazit smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, EdD

Dissertation: How Women Learn to Become Influential Directors on Nonprofit Boards

Thank you TC faculty for being inspiring and supportive, especially our department head, Dr. Sandra Okita and my extraordinary advisor, Dr. Marie Volpe. I LOVE YOU!


gloria smiling
Mathematics Education, MA
Thank you to all professors in the Mathematics Education Program, especially Dr. Weinberg for guiding me throughout my time at TC. Also, big thank you to my classmates (Rachel, Michael, and Tiffany) who I've been able to work with at my time here at TC!


patricia smiling
Science Education, MA
Thank you to my family, spouse, peers, mentors, and all the students with whom I had the opportunity to work in preparation to graduate and receive my certification. Congrats to all the graduates! Wishing you all the best!


david smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
What a transformative experience, and what wonderful, intelligent, and caring people! Thank you to everyone who helped me achieve what I never thought was possible.


juncheng posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
It has been a unique journey to study at Teachers College. Working full time on the other side of the planet, while earning a master's degree is definitely not easy, not to mention the lock-downs from which I survived. Go Lions!


dyanne smiling
Mathematics Education, PhD

Dissertation: Analyzing Instructional Practices within Interdisciplinary and Traditional Mathematics Teaching: A Phenomenological Study

Thank you so much to all the amazing MST faculty and staff and my wonderful family, friends, and classmates. Congratulations to all the graduates, and best wishes!


Jessica smiling
Science Education, MA
Such a pleasure learning from peers and colleagues in the MST program! Truly an eye-opening space, based on self-reflection and collaboration! Thank you to all of the wonderful professors I had the opportunity to interact with and learn from; student teachers for always being there; and, the Peace Corps Fellows 2020 cohort and administrative team, namely Elaine Perlman! I owe you all my growing joy and inspiration in the field of teaching over the past two years.


alexandra posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Seeing this experience come to an end is bittersweet. I will always look back fondly on the connections I have made at TC and the experiences I've had, despite the hurdles that it took to get here. "Practice makes progress" - Jim Kwik. I am eager to see what awaits in the next chapter of my life. We have accomplished so much, and this is just the beginning! Congratulations class of 2022!


yuan smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Even though the sudden outbreak disrupted some plans, I still got so many precious and unforgettable experiences in TC. Thanks to my parents, professors and friends for their company and help on my master journey. Congratulations to all gratuates! Good luck!


tianyi posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Congrats! Thank you to all my professors, friends, and families. And thank you to Google, Photoshop, CSP, and RPG Maker MZ.


brandon smiling
Mathematics Education, MA
I'd like to thank all of the professors who helped me become a more thoughtful, reflective educator. Shoutout to the friends I made along the way, and congratulations to all of my fellow graduates!!


melissa smiling
Science Education, MA
Thank you to the Peace Corps Fellows Program! You supported me both personally and professionally during my time at Teachers College. The generosity, thoughtfulness, and kindness of the 2020 Cohort continue to amaze me.


zhe posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Finally I made it! Looking forward to the new venture! 继续加油!上帝保佑!


jan smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
I want to personally thank all the professors at TC for their hard work. You have prepared us to reach our goals, grow as individuals and continue our paths to be lifelong learners. In addition, you have created programs that deliver meaningful content that we as students can in turn pass onto to our students. For me as an older student with many life experiences, this has been one of the most profound accomplishments. I thank TC from the bottom of my heart!


yuxi smiling
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
COVID-19 creates challenges for everyone, but we still made it! Thanks to the support of my family and loving TC, I can have a challenging while exciting learning experience during this tough period.


elizabeth posing
Mathematics Education, MA

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” — Oprah Winfrey

"They (Women Marines) don't have a nickname, and they don't need one. They get their basic training in a Marine atmosphere, at a Marine Post. They inherit the traditions of the Marines. They are Marines." — Lieutenant General Thomas Holcomb, USMC, 1943.

rouxin posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
Thank you for all professors I met at TC. Really appreciate their efforts, care and patience. Hope every graduate can have a bright future!


tiger posing
Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies Design, MA
My deepest gratitude to TC faculties and yea...myself.


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