Submit a Work Order

Submit a Work Order

To request service or report an issue is by submitting a work order. 

  1. Log on to the myTC Portal (requires a UNI and pasword)
  2. Open the TC Services tab
  3. Click Submit a Work Order 
  4. Select the location where the work needs to be completed
  5. Select the task from the list best fits the situation
  6. Enter your contact phone number
  7. Verify your email address 
  8. Provide a brief description of your request in the Request field

Note: All fields must be completed to submit the form. You will recieve email confirmation with the work order number. 

In case of an emergency, please contact us by phone:

Facilities Department

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday 

Public Safety

All other times and when the College is closed 

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