2015 Annual: Year In Review | Teachers College Columbia University

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Year In Review


Teachers College extended its remarkable legacy of working across disciplines to identify and apply solutions to local and global challenges. During 2014-15:

  • The journal Nature spot­lighted work by TC’s Peter Coleman, Kimberly Noble and Joey Lee, addressing intractable conflict, poverty and climate change.

  • The College launched a new Resilience Center for Veterans & Families.

  • Loot Inc.: The Cowin Financial Literacy Project, funded by TC Trustee Joyce B. Cowin, made its free curriculum available (lootinc.org).



  • Susan Fuhrman will continue as TC’s President through June 30, 2018.

  • The College’s Campaign, Where the Future Comes First, passed the $200 million mark.

  • Global TC Day was celebrated in 41 cities worldwide.

  • TC mourned emeriti pro­fessors Jack Mezirow (special education), Frances Connor (special education; Ed.D. ’53) and Winthrop Adkins (psychology; Ph.D. ’63) and Ronald Tikofsky, Adjunct Professor of Speech Pathology.

School and Community Partnerships


TC’s Office of School & Community Partnerships (OSCP) coordinates engagement with New York City public schools, directing resources and expertise to address pronounced disparities in educational access and achievement, especially in Harlem. OSCP helps our community’s children succeed while we strengthen TC’s knowledge, teaching and research.

  • The Office continued developing the Teachers College Community School (TCCS) up through grade 3, and improving four other schools in the Raising Educational Achievement Coalition of Harlem (REACH).
  • TC provided all TCCS students with enriched learning experiences. Through a strings program established by gifts from the Morse and Nelson families, all students explored music and third graders received violin instruction from TC students advised by Lori Custodero. TC students led hands-on science exploration, engineering and coding classes during and after school.

  • OSCP prioritized physical and mental health and family engage­ment for REACH schools through parent workshops, family health fairs and GED courses organized by Com-munity Impact at Columbia University. Nearly 600 students received vision and/or dental screenings, plus mental health services from TC’s Dean Hope Center or the New York Foundling. The Columbia School of Social Work placed social work­ers and student interns at two partner schools.

  • OSCP raised $3.6 million in grants to add two new REACH schools and solid­ify TC’s interven­tions at another through 2018.

  • The Office evaluat­ed its initiatives with Douglas Ready and TC’s National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools & Teaching.
  • Twenty-eight faculty members representing all TC departments worked with OSCP. Counseling & Clinical Psychology faculty designed multi-disciplinary mental health training and service projects for TC students to implement in partner schools. Other Columbia University faculty and staff collaborated on research and service projects.

  • Nearly 100 TC students taught, tutored, assisted, developed teaching prac­tices, undertook research or coordinated projects in OSCP partner schools or served as school psychol­ogy and science interns or student teachers. OSCP allocated $518,000 in salaries, stipends and scholar­ships to 78 of the students.

Diversity and Community Affairs


Teachers College’s Office of the Vice President for Diversity & Community Affairs (ODCA) continued its efforts to address, enhance and invigorate Teachers College’s engagement in fostering a climate of diversity, community and civility and efforts to address gender-based misconduct concerns, including the appointment of a new confidential Ombuds.

  • As part of his web series “The Conversation,” TC doctoral student Brennan DuBose convened the panel “Young Women, Empowerment, & Leadership,” featur­ing TC’s Michelle Knight-Manuel and leading female scholars from Barnard, Columbia and other institutions.

  • Erica Walker (Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence), Melanie Brewster (Atheists in America: Narratives from an Invisible Minority) and Derald Wing Sue (Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence) delivered faculty book talks.

  • Through the Black and Latino Male Doctoral Education Initiative, senior faculty members offered advice to doctoral students, while advanced doctoral students advised master’s and first-year doctoral students.

  • With the enactment of The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, the College named Counseling & Clinical Psychology faculty mem­ber Riddhi Sandil to the new confidential position of Ombuds for Gender-Based Misconduct.

  • ODCA pro-vided Sexual Assault and Gender-Based Misconduct trainings for staff and students, and Title IX gender-based misconduct compliance trainings for new employees and faculty. The Office continued its Title IX Coordinator poster campaign for Consent Aware­ness and Sexual Assault Prevention throughout the College and presented, with the Men’s Peer Education and the CU Sexual Violence Response & Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center, programs on Teaching Consent, Healthy Relationships and Bystander Intervention.
  • The Office showed students, faculty and staff the Person-al Empowerment Through Self-Aware­ness (PETSA) video.

  • To continue high-lighting Senior Staff engagement with the campus community, ODCA imple­mented Town Hall Meetings intended to communicate and highlight the work of key administrators, including those in Human Resourc­es, Payroll and Computer Information Services.

  • ODCA collaborated with the Offices of Inter­national Affairs and Inter­national Services to more thoughtfully integrate the increased enrollment of international students into the TC community.

Arts and Humanities


The department believes intellectual and creative ideas and practices extend beyond traditional schooling concerns. Its nine academic programs share a focus on learners’ knowledge construction, the art and methods of teaching, the contemporary classroom, schools’ relationships with communities and school reform philosophies.

  • In Arts Administration (ARAD), Steven Dubin was awarded a residency at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Study Center in Bellagio, Italy. Jennifer C. Lena chairs the Sociology of Culture Section of the American Socio-logical Association. ARAD’s Distinguished Speaker Series featured Metropolitan Museum of Art Senior Vice President Cynthia Round and LaPlaca Cohen CEO Arthur Cohen.

  • In Music & Music Education, Randall Allsup’s summer fieldwork class visited China; Nicole Becker and Jeanne Goffi-Fynn reestablished the TC Community Choir; and Lori Custodero and Hal Abeles launched the New Teaching Artists Certificate Pro­gram with support from the Morse, Nelson and Greenberg families.

  • TC doctoral students, in-service teachers, academics and local high school students presented at “Youth & Well-Being,” the Racial Lit­eracy Round­table, founded by Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz.

  • The Edmund Gordon Lec­ture was delivered by Emory University his­torian Vanessa Siddle Walker through “Educating Harlem,” a project of TC’s Center on History & Education, History & Education program and Institute for Urban & Minority Education.
  • The Teaching of Social Studies program launched the course “Social Inquiry: Central Park,” for initial certification M.A. students.

  • In Applied Linguistics- TESOL, Hansun Waring led the Language & Social Interaction Working Group symposium, featuring speakers Hugh “Bud” Mehan and Patricia Duff.

  • In Bilingual/Bicultural Education, Carmen Martínez-Roldán led the event “A Focus on Mobilization of Knowledge and Boundary Crossing.”

  • Philosophy & Education alumnus Rev. Daniel Hendrickson is Creighton University’s President.

For more information please visit the Department of Arts and Humanities.

Biobehavioral Studies


The department probes the biology of human communication, movement and related disorders, and offers programs focusing on the application of research to clinical, educational and community settings. Graduates become speech-language pathologists, exercise physiologists, trainers, cardiac rehabilitation specialists, occupational and physical therapists, researchers and administrators.

  • The department hired Carol Scheffner Hammer, Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders; Lori Quinn, Associate Professor of Movement Science & Kinesiology;  Kim Noble, Associate Professor of Neuroscience & Education; and Michelle Troche, Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders. Cate Crowley, Director of the Bilingual Extension Institute, became Professor of Practice. Kathleen Youse, Director of the Edward D. Mysak Clinic for Communication Disorders, became Assistant Pro­fessor of Practice. Lisa Edmonds, Associate Professor of Communica­tion Sciences & Disorders, became Communication Sciences & Dis-orders Program Coordinator.

  • Andrew Gordon and Erika Levy continued testing the efficacy of Con­straint-Induced Therapy (CIT) and Hand-Arm Bimanual In­tensive Therapy (HABIT) on children with hemiplegia and led CIT and HABIT camps for youngsters.
  • Joseph Ciccolo continues his highly innovative, multi­year NIH-funded study of the effectiveness of resistance exercise in assisting people to quit smoking.

  • Honor O’Malley, an authority on normal ear function, psychoacoustics and auditory physiology, and monitoring of hearing during neurotologic sur­gery, retired after 37 years on TC’s faculty. Justine Joan Sheppard, an expert on dysphagia (swallowing and feeding disorders), retired after 40 years.

  • Based on review of classes, clinical experiences and student performances, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA) Council on Academic Accreditation reaccredited TC’s Program in Communication Sciences & Disorders until March 2023 and determined that it meets or exceeds all ex­pected ASHA standards.

  • The National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK) ranked TC’s doctoral program in Movement Sciences & Education/Kine­siology fourth among 55 programs for 2010-2014.

For more information please visit the Department of Biobehavioral Science.

Counseling & Clinical Psychology


Through its four degree programs, the department prepares students to investigate and address the psychological needs of individuals, families, groups, organizations, institutions and communities, with a growing emphasis on multicultural competencies. Graduates seek positions in teaching, research, policy, administration, psychotherapy and counseling.

  • Lena Verdeli led a Summer Institute in Global Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for men­tal health, health and allied profes­sionals working with populations that have endured severe adversities and trauma, such as domestic and political violence, extreme poverty, armed conflict, epidemics and natural disasters.

  • Derald Wing Sue published Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race. Sue received the American Psycho­logical Foundation 2015 Gold Medal for Life Achieve­ment in Psycholo­gy in the Public Interest.

  • The new Teachers College Resilience Center for Veterans & Families, established with a $1 million gift from David and Maureen O’Connor and directed by George Bonanno, pairs groundbreaking research on human emotional resilience with clinical training of students to assist veterans and their families as they transition back to civilian life. Training occurs through TC’s nationally regarded Dean Hope Center for Educational & Psycho­logical Services, directed by Dinelia Rosa.

  • The College won New York State approval for a certificate program in Sex­uality, Women & Gender for edu­cators, researchers, practitioners, ad­ministrators and activists interested in learning new theories and practices to improve well-being for LGBTQ individuals and women.

  • TC received New York State Education Depart­ment approval for a new Bilingual Latina/o Mental Health concentration — the state’s only pro-gram offering culturally appropriate training in delivering mental health services in Spanish to Latinas/os.

  • Lisa Miller published The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving.

  • Marie Miville published Multicultural Gender Roles: Applications for Mental Health and Education, her edited volume interviews that she and her students conducted with African- American, Latino/a and Asian-American subjects.

For more information please visit the Department of Counseling & Clinical Psychology.

Curriculum & Teaching

The department explores the nature, purpose and design of curricula and the theory and practice of teaching, and prepares outstanding educators to reimagine schools and other educational settings. Preservice and in-service teachers are committed to ensuring that all children receive the kind of education historically reserved for those of privilege.

  • The department launched a new doctoral specialization in Teacher Education, for those who prepare teachers and conduct re-search on related issues.

  • Michelle Knight-Manuel co-authored “Collaborative Culturally Grounded Inquiry: Exam­ining Literacy Practices with/for African Immi­grant Girls,” an American Educational Research Asso­ciation-funded report on an orga­nization that helps girls from African nations succeed in New York City high schools.

  • The Early Childhood Education Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English established the Mariana Souto-Manning Teacher Scholarship for early childhood teachers who honor diversities and engage in equitable prac­tices. Souto-Manning is a TC Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education.

  • TC hosted “Seize the Moment: Rise to the Challenge of Pre-K,” a confer­ence on New York City’s first year of offering free, full-day pre-kindergarten to all four-year-olds

  • Detra Price- Dennis received the 2014 Janet Emig Award for Exemplary Scholarship for her article, “Urban Fiction and Multicultural Literature as Transformative Tools for Preparing English Teachers for Diverse Classrooms,” in English Education.

  • A. Lin Goodwin, Evenden Professor of Education and Vice Dean, was elected by Singapore’s National Institute of Education to become the first Dr. Ruth Wong Hie King Teacher Educa­tion Professor.

  • The Teachers College Reading & Writing Project (TCRWP), led by Lucy Calkins, agreed to provide teacher training to Connecticut’s Darien and Groton school sys­tems — the latter funded by a $1 million Depart­ment of Defense grant.

For more information please visit the Department of Curriculum and Teaching.

Education Policy & Social Analysis


The department focuses on how governments, markets and societal conditions shape schooling and educational opportunities, as well as how they contribute to creating an informed population able to critically analyze its own areas of need and interest and work in concert toward creating a better world.

  • Jay Heubert, Jeffrey Henig and Michael Rebell hosted a national conference on legal challenges to teacher tenure, seniority and dismissal rules.
  • Kevin J. Dougherty and Rebecca S. Natow published The Politics of Performance Funding for Higher Education: Origins, Discontinuations, and Transformations.

  • The Wallace Founda­tion provided additional funding for Carolyn Riehl, Jeffrey Henig, Michael Rebell and Jessica Wolff to report on urban cross-sector collaborations to reform education.

  • Aaron Pallas received a grant from the Spencer Foundation to study how teachers and principals are experiencing the New York City teacher evaluation system.

  • In a report funded by The Century Foundation and the Poverty & Race Research Action Council, Jeanne L. Reid and Sharon Lynn Kagan found racial, ethnic and economic disparities in pre-schools and pro-posed policy to address these.

  • In Senate testimony, Judith Scott-Clayton said the complex federal student aid process deters many low-in-come, minority and first-genera­tion college goers.

  • Amy Stuart Wells and Douglas Ready published “Divided We Fall: The Story of Separate and Un­equal Suburban Schools 60 Years after Brown v. Board of Education.

  • Thomas Bailey, Shanna Smith Jaggars and Davis Jenkins published Rede­signing America’s Community Col­leges: A Clearer Path to Student Success.

  • Priscilla Wohlstetter, David M. Houston and Brandon Buck published “Networks in New York City: Implementing the Common Core.”

  • WT Grant funded Peter Bergman for a study on the long-run impacts of school integration.

For more information please visit the Department of Education & Society Analysis.

Health & Behavior Studies

This muiltidisciplinary department seeks to improve the health, learning and social well-being of individuals throughout their lifespan. The department generates research and also prepares scholars and practitioners to help people realize their own potential, make informed decisions and attain the very best quality of life.

  • Led by Kathleen O’Connell, TC won New York State approval for a new Ed.D. program — its first fully online doc­toral program — to enable nurses with master’s degrees to become nurse educators in academic or staff settings, and an online Academic Certifi­cate Program in Nursing Education, for nurses with doctorates seeking to become better nurse educators.

  • Blackman Lec­turer Lynn Kern Koegel, Clinical Director, Koegel Autism Center, University of California, Santa Bar-bara, spoke on “Pivotal Response Treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Professor Emeritus Leonard Blackman, his wife, Frances, and friends and family fund the lecture.

  • Sonali Rajan received TC’s 2015 Strage Junior Faculty Prize.

  • John Allegrante was elected a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
  • Hsu-Min Chiang spoke on Sinovision’s “New York Lounge” about the Center for All Abilities, which she co-founded to serve special needs students and their families through creative, educa­tional and spiritual enrichment.

  • The Education Com­mission of the States distributed “Health Bar­riers to Learning and the Education Opportunity Gap,” a report co-authored by Charles Basch, to education policymakers and health officials.

  • Barbara Wallace chaired TC’s seventh annual Health Disparities Conference, keynoted by Michelle Alexander, New York Times bestselling author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarcera­tion in the Age of Colorblindness.

  • A study in Health Education & Behavior, by TC’s Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy, finding that obesity rates and eating behaviors were more similar within New York City elementary schools than across differ­ent schools (possibly due to wellness policies and local food avail­ability), could help future nutrition studies.

  • Susan Masullo conducted the second annual “Cutting-Edge Reading and Writing Techniques” summer workshop.

For more information please visit the Department of Health & Behavior Studies.

Human Development


The department’s research centers on fundamental issues in human development, human cognition, and measurement and applied statistics to increase scientific knowledge and help solve educational and social problems. It emphasizes cognitive approaches to measurement and assessment, digital learning environments, and the cognitive, social and neuroscience bases of learning and development.

  • The department received New York State approval for its master’s program in Learning Analytics.

  • Xiaodong Lin gave an invited presentation at the American Educational Research Association’s an­nual conference on using students’ fear of failure to improve their motivation and STEM learning.

  • Jeanne Brooks-Gunn received the Matilda White Riley Award of the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at the National Institutes of Health for contributions to behav­ioral and social scientific knowledge.
  • Matthew Johnson became program chair for the National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting and joined the Design & Analysis Committee of the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

  • With Heising-Simons Foundation funding, Herbert Ginsburg teamed with alumna Alice Wilder to launch new touch-screen math learning stories through the education technology start-up Speakaboos.
  • Barbara Tversky and John Black coauthored, with Seokmin Kang, “Coordinat­ing Gesture, Word and Diagram: Explanations for Experts and Novices,” in Spatial Cognition and Compu­tation, and, with Ayelet Segal, “Conceptually Congruent Actions Can Promote Thought” in The Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.

  • In her essay “Thinking Together and Alone,” published in Educational Research, Deanna Kuhn argued that education must foster collaborative skills to help students meet the intellectual de­mands of the 21st century.

  • James Corter co-authored “Striving for Per­fection and Falling Short: The Influence of Goals on Probability Matching” in Memory and Cognition.

  • Young-Sun Lee published “An Extension of the DINA Model Using Covariates: Examining Factors Affecting Re­sponse Probability and Latent Classification” in Applied Psychological Measurement.

  • Ryan Baker won the Best Paper Award at the 17th Interna­tional Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.

For more information please visit the Department of Human Development.

International & Transcultural Studies


As people, information, goods and services increasingly flow within and across national and regional boundaries, the department’s two programs — International & Comparative Education, and Anthropology — explore individual and institutional identities reflecting diverse cultural values, globalization and education in developing countries.

  • Through an international competition co-sponsored by the United Nations Academic Impact and the UnHate Foundation, students Atenea Rosado- Viurques, Amanda Braga, Cristina Gonzales and Kendra Strouf won funding for their project, Migrant Words Collective: Locating the Voices of Female Immigrants in a Transnational Context.

  • Supported by TC’s Provost’s Investment Fund, Oren Pizmony-Levy and Gita Steiner-Khamsi hosted the second seminar of the Lab-oratory of Inter­national Assess­ments, a network funded by the Economic & Social Research Council.

  • Hervé Varenne hosted “On Putting Anthropology to Work in the Contempo­rary World: A Conference on Applying Anthropology and Its Dilemmas.”

  • Regina Cortina and alumna Katy De La Garza co-edited Education, Indigenous Peoples and Interculturality in Latin America, papers from the 2013 International Work­ing Group on Indigenous Intercultural Bilingual Education, organized by TC and Chile’s Centro de Políticas Compara­das de Educación, Universidad Diego Portales.

  • Celebrating the TC graduation centennial of scholar, educator, university president and statesman Kuo Ping Wen — the first Chinese recipient of a U.S. education doctoral degree — the department declared 2014-15 the Year of China and Edu­cation. Beijing Normal University’s Jun Teng taught “A Colloquium in International Educational Development: Focus on China and Education.” Henan Cheng taught “Educational Develop­ment and Policy in China.” A TC symposium on Kuo, spearheaded by his great grand-niece, Carolyn Hsu-Balcer, in­troduced the Kuo Ping Wen scholarship.

  • Susan Garnett Russell and Mary Mendenhall hosted the Steering Group and three Working Groups for the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, representing UNagencies, donors, NGOs and academic institutions.

  • The College renamed its Center for African Ed­ucation as The George Clement Bond Center for African Education, honoring the late anthropologist, who identified the historical narratives of indigenous African peoples.

For more information of the Department of International & Transcultural Studies.

Math, Science & Technology


Current reforms in education place increasing emphasis on broad-based public understanding of the department’s three core fields. The department focuses on issues of educational practice and related professions in mathematics, science, technology and cognate human sciences, including the relationships among these disciplines.

  • Erica Walker delivered the prestigious Etta Z. Falconer Lecture, on mathematical identity, at the centennial meeting of the Mathematical Association of America in August 2015.

  • Felicia Moore Mensah coauthored “Naming Our-selves and Others” in The Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

  • Through TC’s Communication, Media & Learning Technologies De­sign (CMLTD)program, Professor Emerita JoAnne Kleifgen hosted “Linguistics and Education,” the 60th Annual Conference of the International Linguis­tic Association, which honored recent­ly retired TC linguistic faculty member Franklin Horowitz. A simulcast exchange between renowned sociolinguists Michael Halliday and William Labov will be published in the journal WORD.

  • O. Roger Anderson co-hosted a conference on water quality with Kartik Chandran, Associate Professor of Earth & Environmental Engineering at Columbia Univer­sity, which included presentations by TC students.

  • Nicholas Wasserman coauthored “Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Use of and Confidence in Empirical Reasoning: Implications for STEM Teacher Prepa­ration,” a paper in School Science and Mathematics.

  • Alexander Karp and Nicholas Wasserman published Mathematics in Middle and Secondary School: A Problem Solving Approach.

  • The Greenify Project, led by Joey Lee, was a winner of the Columbia Business School Innova­tion and Entrepreneurship Competition. Greenify, an online social platform, fosters flourishing sustainable communities.

  • New York City and TC’s Center for Technology & School Change, directed by Ellen Meier, are creating tech­nology instruction programs in 10 public schools.

  • The CMLTD program started a Media and So­cial Change Lab, directed by Lalitha Vasudevan, for multimodal and digital exploration of media and social change; and the Snow Day Learning Lab, direct­ed by Nathan Holbert, to understand how children make sense of their world through play.

For more information please visit the Department of Math, Science & Technology.

Organization & Leadership


Across all of its programs, the department understands leadership as an ethical imperative that is inextricably linked to learning, and groups and organizations as communities of diverse individuals who bring unique perspectives to the collective endeavor of promoting the common good.

  • CAREER OPTIONS TC’s Klingenstein Center launched dual degree programs in private school leadership and business administration.

  • Debra Noumair and Caryn Block called for papers for The Journal of Applied Behavioral Sci­ence on “Understanding Diversity Dynamics in Systems: Social Equality as an Organization Change Issue.”

  • Peter Coleman received the American Psycho-logical Association’s Morton Deutsch Conflict Resolution Award and co-authored Making Con­flict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement.

  • Bill Pasmore published Leading Continuous Change: Navigating Churn in the Real World.

  • Corbin M. Campbell received the Na­tional Academy of Education/Spencer Founda­tion postdoctoral fellowship.

  • Noah D. Drezner received CASE’s John Grenzebach Award for Outstanding Research in Philanthropy for Educational Advancement.

  • With Teagle Founda­tion funding, Anna Neumann and students Liza Bolitzer, Jolie Woodson and Dianne Delima launched Metro-CITI to enhance instructors’ first-and second-year humanities, arts, sciences and social sciences teaching at local high-diversity colleges and universities.

  • Elaine Rigolosi was included in 2,000 Out­standing Intellectuals of the 21st Century.

  • Elissa Perry co-authored “Generational Differences: Let’s Not Throw the Baby Boomer Out with the Bath-water” in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice.

  • Led Pearl Rock Kane, TC's Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership, with Columbia Business School and INSEAD, launched accelerated dual-degree programs in private school leadership and business administration.

  • Eleanor Drago-Severson received a Provost’s Rapid Prototyping Grant to develop a “Leader­ship Institute for School Change” series.

  • Martha A. Gephart and Victoria J. Marsick will publish Strategic Organizational Learning: Using System Dynamics for Innova­tion and Sustained Performance.

  • The Mind Trust will annually fund two new school proposals by TC Summer Principal Acad­emy students.

  • Alex J. Bowers co-authored Challenges and Opportunities of Educational Leadership Research and Practice: The State of the Field and Its Multiple Futures and was Principal Investi­gator or co-PI on over $1 million in National Science Foundation re­search funding.

For more information please visit the Department of Organization & Leadership.


Published Thursday, Feb 25, 2016

Beyond Words
BEYOND WORDS: Harvard University Press has published Unflattening, the comic book-style TC dissertation of Nick Sousanis (Ed.D. ’14), which urges visual thinking in teaching and learning.
ART À LA CARTE: TC’s Art & Art Education program and the nonprofit ProjectArt are partnering to bring free arts to children in under-served New York City communities.
Hansun Waring
girls walking
Lifestyle Medicine
LIFESTYLE MEDICINE: Through an anonymous alumna’s gift, TC’s Movement Sciences laboratories will include a clinic to test and counsel people at all levels of fitness.
Mover and Shaker
MOVER AND SHAKER: Carol Ewing Garber was elected an Active Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology.
Cate Crowley
Cate Crowley
Broader Dialogue
BROADER DIALOGUE: Laura Azzarito published the book Pedagogies, Physical Culture, and Visual Methods.
Students from Afar
STUDENTS FROM AFAR: A TC study highlighted an organization helping African girls in New York City schools.
reading to kids
Detra Price-Dennis (left) and Mariana Souto-Manning
In A Displaced World
IN A DISPLACED WORLD: TC’s Global Mental Health Lab is in the forefront of addressing the psychological and emotional needs of refugees around the world.
ALLIES: Teachers College’s new Resilience Center for Veterans & Families extends the College’s longstanding relationship with the U.S. military.
The Spiritual Child- book
Marie Miville
Marie Miville
Worth It?
WORTH IT? TC’s Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education, led by Henry M. Levin, received federal funding to share its methodologies and train other researchers.
The gender factor
THE GENDER FACTOR: TC economist Mun Tsang published a study of differences in academic performance between boys and girls in rural southwestern China.
Jay Heubert and Carolyn Reihl
Choice Matters
CHOICE MATTERS: Access to food choices may dictate obesity, finds TC’s Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy.
Targeting Gun Violence
TARGETING GUN VIOLENCE: Sonali Rajan, recipient of TC’s Strage Junior Faculty Prize, has probed causes of gun violence by youth.
Charles Basch (left) and Kathleen O'Connell
Tests that Teach
TESTS THAT TEACH: Young-Sun Lee is part of a psychometrics group within Human Development that includes James Corter, Lawrence DeCarlo and Matthew Johnson.
Critter Math
CRITTER MATH: The tech start-up Speakaboos is marketing math learning stories by Herbert Ginsburg.
Matthew Johnson (left) and Barbara Tversky
Matthew Johnson and Barbara Tversky
Amanda Braga
FINDING VOICES: TC Lemann Fellow Amanda Braga
Chinas Year
CHINA'S YEAR: Celebrating the TC centennial of Chinese educator Kuo Ping Wen, the department declared 2014-15 “the year of China.” Kuo was China’s first U.S. doctorate recipient.
Regina Cortina (left) and Katy De La Garza
Columbia TechRoom
TECH TEAM-UP: New York City and TC’s Center for Technology & School Change, led by Ellen Meier (right), are partnering in 10 public schools.
Math Socialization
MATH SOCIALIZATION: Speaking at a national mathematics meeting, TC’s Erica Walker identified factors that shape our “mathematical lives.”
Erica Walker and Nicholas Wasserman
Noah Drezner
Noah Drezner
Debra Noumair
Debra Noumair
Career Options
CAREER OPTIONS: TC’s Klingenstein Center launched dual degree programs in private school leadership and business administration.
noumair and drezner
Noah Drezner and Debra Noumair
Year In Review
Michelle Knight-Manuel (left) and Riddhi Sandil
Race Talk
IMPORTANT CONVERSATIONS: Michelle Knight-Manuel spoke on empowering women; Riddhi Sandil is the College’s new Ombuds for Gender-Based Misconduct; Derald Wing Sue’s book helps people discuss race.
Brushing Up
BRUSHING UP: Children learned dental hygiene at TC’s family health fairs in partner schools.
good conduct
GOOD CONDUCT: TC doctoral student Tammy Yi created and leads a violin program at TCCS.
Leslie Nelson and Douglas Ready

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