Purpura, James E. (jp248)

Purpura, James Enos

Professor Emeritus of Language and Education
Director of the Scenario-Based Language Assessment Lab

Office Location:

319A Zankel

Office Hours:

Tuesday 4:00pm-5:00pm

Educational Background

Ph.D.    Applied Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
(Specialization: Second Language Assessment; Second Language Education)

M.A.    French Linguistics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

B.A.    French Language and Literature, Marietta College, Marietta, OH

Other Credentials

Diploma di Lingua Italiana, Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona, 1985

Certificate of Completion, Arabic Language 1, Kuwait University, Kuwait, 1981

Instructor Credential in ESL & French. California Community Colleges, 1980

Certificate of Completion, Farsi, Iran-American Society, Esfahan, Iran, 1978

Diplôme d'Etudes Françaises, University of Nantes, Nantes, France, 1972

Certificat Practique de Langue Française, University of Nantes, Nantes, France, 1972

French Language & Literature, The Institute of European Studies, Junior Year Abroad, Nantes, France, 1971-72 


Scholarly Interests

• Learning-Oriented Assessment

• Scenario-Based Language Assessment

• Assessment of Grammatical Ability

• Meaning-Oriented L2 Assessment

• Assessment of L2 Pragmatic Ability

• Cognitive and L2 Assessment

• L2 Test Validation

• Language Program Reform and Evaluation 

Selected Publications

Purpura, J. E. (2021). A Rationale for using a scenario-based assessment to measure competency-based, situated second and foreign language proficiency. In M. Masperi, C. Cervini, & Y. Bardière (Eds.), Évaluation des acquisitions langagières : Du formatif au certificatif. MediAzioni 32: A54-A96, http://www.mediazioni.sitlec.unibo.it. ISSN 1974-4382.

Xi, X., Norris, J., Ockey, G., Fulcher, G., & Purpura. J. E. (2021). Assessing academic speaking. In X. Xi, & J. M. Norris (Eds.), Assessing English for Higher Education Admissions.  New York, NY: Routledge.

Purpura, J. E., Davoodifard, M., & Voss, E. (2021). Conversion to Remote Proctoring of an Online Language Placement Exam. Language Assessment Quarterly, https://doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2020.1867145

Purpura, J. E., & Dakin, J. W. (2020). Assessment of the linguistic resources of communication. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: Assessment and Evaluation (pp. 1-10). Oxford, UK: Wiley.

Purpura, J. E. & Kunnan, A. J. (Eds.) (Contracted). The writings of L. F. Bachman: “Assuring that what we count counts” in language assessment. New York: Routledge.

Leung, C., Davison. C., East, M., Evans, M., Green, A, Hamp-Lyons, L., Liu, L., & Purpura, J. E. (2018). Using assessment to promote learning: Clarifying constructs, theories, and practices. In J. McE. Davis, J. M. Norris, M. E. Malone, T. McKay, & Y. A. Son (Eds.), Useful assessment and evaluation in language education. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Purpura, J. E. (2017). Assessing meaning. In E. Shohamy & L. Or (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 7. Language Testing and Assessment. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02326-7_1-1

Purpura, J. E. (2016). Second and foreign language assessment. Modern Language Journal, 100 (Supplement 2016), pp. 190-208. (Centennial Issue).

Purpura, J. E., & Christison, M. A. (2016). A lifetime of language testing: An interview with Adrian S. (Buzz) Palmer. Language Assessment Quarterly, 14(2), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2016.1166228.

Turner, C. E. & Purpura, J. E. (2016). Learning-oriented assessment in second and foreign language classrooms. In D. Tsagari & J. Baneerjee (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Assessment (pp. 255-272). Boston, MA: De Gruyter, Inc.

Hanrrahan, D., Sexton, P., Hui, K., Teitcher, J, Klitzman, R. & Purpura, J. E. (2015). Linguistic and cultural challenges in communication and translation in US-sponsored HIV prevention research in emerging economies. PloS one10(7), e0133394.

Purpura, J., E., Brown, J. D., & Schoonen, R. (2015). Improving the validity of quantitative measures in applied language research. Language Learning, 65(1), pp. 36-73.

Purpura, J. (2014). Cognition and language assessment. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to Language Assessment (pp. 1452-1476). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Purpura, J. (2014). Language learner styles and strategies. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton, & A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (4th ed.) (pp. 532-549). Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning.

Purpura, J. (2014). Assessment of grammar. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to Language Assessment (pp. 100-124). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Purpura, J. (2013). Assessment of grammar. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: Assessment and Evaluation (pp. 1-10). Oxford, UK: Wiley.

Purpura, J. E. (2011). Quantitative research methods in assessment and testing. In C. Chapelle & E. Hinkel (Eds.), Validation in language assessment. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume (pp. 731-751). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Purpura, J. E. (2009). The impact of large-scale and classroom-based language assessments on the individual. In C. Weir & L. Taylor (Eds.), Language testing matters: Investigating the wider social and educational impact of assessment – Proceedings of the ALTE Cambridge Conference, April 2008 (pp. 301-325). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Purpura, J. E. (2008). Assessing communicative language ability: Models and components. In N. Hornberger & E. Shohamy (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 7. Language Testing and Assessment (pp. 53-68). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media LLC.

Bachman, L. F., & Purpura, J. E. (2008). Language Assessments: Gatekeepers or door openers? In B. Spolsky & F. M. Hult (Eds.), The Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp. 456-468). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Challenges and new directions in assessing grammatical ability. In C. Irvine & A. Nebel (Eds.), EFL Best Practices in Testing: Proceedings of the 2004 Forumon Testing and Evaluation (pp. 42-48). Athens: Hellenic American Union.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (Review). In N. Andersen, C. Chapelle & S. Stoynoff (Eds.), Recent Trends in Language Testing (pp.87-91). Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications.

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Validating Questionnaires to examine personal factors in L2 test performance. In M. Milanovich & C. Weir (Eds.), European Language Testing in a Global Context (pp. 93-115). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Purpura, J. E & Graziano-King, J. (2004). Investigating the foreign language needs of professional school students in international and public affairs: A case study. Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 1-33. http://journals.tc-library.org/index.php/tesol/search/authors/view?firstName=James&middleName=E.&lastName=Purpura&affiliation=Teachers%20College%2C%20Columbia%20University&country=

Purpura, J. E. (1998). Investigating the effects of strategy use and second language test performance with high- and low-ability test takers: A structural equation modeling approach. Language Testing, 15(3), 333-379.

Purpura, J. E. (1998). The development and construct validation of an instrument designed to investigate the cognitive background characteristics of test-takers. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Validation in Language Assessment (pp. 111-139). Mahwah, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Purpura, J. E. (1997). An analysis of the relationships between test takers' cognitive and metacognitive strategy use and second language test performance. Language Learning47(2), pp. 289-294.

Purpura, J. E. (1992). A Review of Bialystok's Communication Strategies. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 348-53

Purpura, J. E. & Banerjee, H. L. (2022). (Invited AAAL/ILTA Joint Colloquium). Exploring the Cross-Linguistic Insights of Using Scenario-Based Assessment across Four Typologically Different Languages. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Pittsburgh.

Beltran, J., Eskin, D., Joo, S-H, Purpura, J. E., & Liu Banerjee, H. (2022). SL learners’ situated language proficiency and topical learning through a scenario-based assessment. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Pittsburgh.

Akbari-Saneh, N, Machetti, M., Purpura, J., & Suh, J. (2022). Comparing learners’ situated language proficiency, topical learning, and perceptions in cross-linguistic scenario-based assessments. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Pittsburgh.

Purpura, J. E. (2021). Invited Plenary. The affordances of using learning-oriented assessment as an assessment design framework for complex assessments. The Asian Association of Language Assessment, Seoul, Korea

 Joo, H-Y, Seong, Y., Suh, J., Jung, J-Y, & Purpura, J. (2021). Developing a scenario-based Korean proficiency assessment using learning-oriented assessment. The Asian Association of Language Assessment, Seoul, Korea (Paper)

Purpura, J. E. & Banerjee, H. L. (2021). Rethinking Second Language Proficiency Assessment Using a Scenario-Based Assessment Approach: Opportunities and Challenges (Symposium). Language Testing Research Colloquium, Tunis, Tunisia.

Purpura, J. E., & Davoodifard, M. (2020). Invited Webinar. Converting to a secure administration of an online English language placement exam: Lessons learned. International Language Testing Association’s Inaugural Webinar: https://www.iltaonline.com/page/ILTAWebinarExploringthefuture

Purpura, J. E. (2020). Invited Lecture. A Learning-Oriented Approach to Classroom Based Assessment, University of Veracruz, Mexico.

Purpura, J. E. (October 2019). Invited Plenary. Investigating the Effects of Assistance on Performance in a Scenario-Based Writing Assessment Designed from a Learning-Oriented Approach to Assessment. Evaluation and Language Acquisition: From Formative to Certification Conference, Grenoble, France.

Purpura, J. E. (Summer, 2019). A Bootcamp on Scenario-Based Assessment (9 days). University for Foreigners of Siena, Siena Italy.

Purpura, J. E. (2019). Invited Plenary. Questioning the Currency of Language Certification Exams as Measures of 21st Century Competencies. International Conference on Student Assessment, Istanbul, Turkey.

Purpura, J. E. (2019). Invited Plenary. Insights Gained from Using a Learning -Oriented Approach to Scenario-Based Assessment. British Council New Directions in English Language Assessment, Mexico City, Mexico.

Purpura, J. E. (2019). Invited Workshop. The Foundations of Language Assessment. USIA/Ministry of Education in the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

 Purpura, J. E. (2019). Invited Plenary. Insights Gained from Using a Learning -Oriented Approach to Scenario-Based Assessment. International Perspectives on Assessing World Languages (IPAWL) Conference, Cairo, Egypt.

Purpura, J. E. (2019). Questioning the Currency of Second and Foreign Language Certification Exams. A&H Distinguished Lecture Series at Teacher College, Columbia University, New York, NY.

Purpura, J. E. (2019). Investigating the Effects of Assistance on Performance in a Scenario-Based Writing Assessment Designed from a Learning-Oriented Approach to Assessment. Evaluation and Language Acquisition: From Formative to Certification Conference, Grenoble, France.

Purpura, J. E. (2019). Insights Gained from Using a Learning -Oriented Approach to Scenario-Based Assessment. British Council New Directions in English Language Assessment, Mexico City, Mexico.

Purpura, J. E. & Turner, C. E. (2018). Using Learning-Oriented Assessment in Test Development (Invited workshop) Language Testing Research Colloquium, Auckland, New Zealand.

Purpura, J. E. (2018). Invited Plenary. What Scenario-Based Assessment Offers that Traditional or Task-Based Language Assessments Don’t. Twentieth Anniversary of the CILS Exam, University for Foreigners of Siena, Siena Italy.

Purpura, J. E. (2018). Invited Plenary. Building an Argument for a Meaning-Oriented Model of L2 Proficiency. University of Macau Language Assessment Conference.

Purpura, J. E. (2018). The Affordances of Using Scenario-Based Assessment for a Comprehensive Measurement of Content and Language-Integrated Learning Outcomes (Invited plenary). The Lingua e Nuova Didattica (LEND) Conference, Portonovo, Italy.

Purpura, J. E. (2018). Learning-oriented language assessment: A framework for considering the nexus of instruction, learning, and assessment in classroom contexts (Invited Plenary). Roundtable on Teaching Assessment to L2 Teachers. Language Testing Research Colloquium, Auckland, New Zealand.

Purpura, J. E. (2017). Rethinking Language Assessment: A Learning-Oriented Approach to Scenario Based Assessment (Keynote). British Council & NEEA Conference (Ministry of Education), Shanghai, China

Purpura, J. E., Beltrán, J, Liu, H., & Stabler-Havener, M. (2016). Examining L2 learning and learning outcomes as a result of embedded classroom assessments. Language Testing Research Colloquium. Palermo, Sicily.

Sabatini, J., O’Reilly, T., & Purpura, J. E. (2016). Workshop on: Scenario-based assessments in educational settings: theoretical foundations, prototype examples and future applications. Language Testing Research Colloquium. Palermo, Sicily.

Purpura, J. E. & Waring, H. (2015). Using a learning-oriented approach to understanding the assessment of participation in graduate seminars. Language Testing Research Colloquium. Toronto, CA.

Purpura, J. E. (2015). The cognitive underpinnings of foreign language assessment. Invited lecture as the Distinguished Visiting Professor at the American University in Cairo General Lecture Series. Cairo, Egypt.

Purpura (2014). A learning-oriented assessment approach to L2 assessment in scenario-based assessments. Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Meeting in in London. (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura (2014). A workshop on measuring pragmatics. Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Meeting in London. (Invited workshop leader).

Purpura, J. E., Liu, H., Tsuwagawa, F., & Woodson, S. (2014). Tacking the development of learning outcomes in a learning-oriented approach to classroom-based language assessment. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Amsterdam.

Purpura, J. E. (2013). Approaches to validating measures for L2 research.  Georgetown University Language Learning Roundtable: Improving the quantitative reasoning in second language research. (Invited plenary).

Purpura, J. E. (2013). The explanation claim. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Symposium on "Validation Theory in Language Assessment", University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. (Also: Symposium Organizer).

Lindhardsen, V. & Purpura, J. E. (2013). The evaluation claim. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Symposium on "Validation Theory in Language Assessment",, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Purpura, J, E., & Grabowski, K. (2013 accepted). Advanced workshop on language test development. Institute on Language Assessment, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Turner, C. E., & Purpura, J. (2013). A proposed model of leaning-oriented assessment (Paper). ILTA/AAAL Joint Symposium on the topic of "Learning-oriented assessment in classrooms: A place where SLA, interaction, and language assessment interface" (Organized by J. Purpura, C. Turner, & N. Saville).

Purpura, J. E., & Turner, C. E. (2013). Learning-oriented assessment (LOA) in classrooms: A place where SLA, interaction, and language assessment interface (Paper). ILTA/AAAL Joint Symposium on the topic of "Learning-oriented assessment in classrooms: A place where SLA, interaction, and language assessment interface" (Organized by J. Purpura, C. Turner, & N. Saville).

Purpura, J, E. (2013). Rethinking the Community English Program at TC: The role of assessment. Teacher College, Columbia University.

Purpura, J. E. (2012). Understanding and implementing learning-oriented language assessments in English language learner classrooms. (Workshop for ELL teachers). The College of New Jersey. 

Purpura, J, E. (2012). Rethinking the Community English Program at TC-Making it better. Teacher College, Columbia University.

Purpura, J. E., Morgan, S., & Woodson, S. (2012). A survey of current language assessment needs in the Italian higher education context. (Paper). EALTA, Salzburg.

Purpura, J, E., & Kunnan, A. J. (2012). An introduction to language assessment. (Workshop). Institute on Language Assessment, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Purpura, J, Morgan, S., & Woodson, S. (2012). A survey of current language assessment needs in the Italian higher education context. (Paper). Symposium on Language Assessment in the Italian Context, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Purpura, J. E. (2012). Making classroom-based language assessments learning oriented. (Lecture). University of Perugia. Italy. 

Purpura, J. E. (2012). A learning orientation to classroom-based language assessments. (Lecture). National Institute of Testing and Evaluation. Jerusalem, Israel.

Purpura, J. E. (2012). Assessing meaning in task-based language assessments. (Plenary). Academic Committee for Research on Language Testing (ACROLT). Tel Aviv, Israel. 

Purpura, J. E. (2012). What is the role of strategic competence in a processing account of L2 learning or use? (Paper). ILTA/AAAL Joint Symposium on the topic of "Determinants of language proficiency," Organized by J. Hulstijn, R. Schoonen, & S. Andringa.

Purpura, J. E. (2011). A processing approach to learning-oriented, classroom-based assessment. 17th Annual Conference of the National Association of Foreign Language Education, The Chinese Society of Education. (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2011). Assessing meaning in language assessments. Hangzhao, China (Invited Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2011). The socio-cognitive underpinnings of learning-oriented assessment. Hangzhao, China (Invited Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2011). A comparative analysis of the fundamental resources of communicative effectiveness in the ACTFL/ILR and CEFR frameworks. ACTFL-CEFR Conference, Provo, Utah. (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2011). A learning orientation to classroom-based language assessment. The American Language Program, Columbia University (Invited Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2011). Learning-oriented language assessments in classroom contexts. NY State TESOL Applied Linguistics Winter Conference (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2011). Making classroom-based language assessments learning-oriented. Temple University (Invited Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2010). Assessing meaning in language assessments. Conference on standardized language testing in teaching and research (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy) (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E.  (2010). Assessing meaning in task-based language assessments. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) (Invited Speaker in a symposium on task-based language assessment).

Purpura, J. E.  (2010). The socio-cognitive underpinnings of learning-oriented assessment. East Coast Association of Language Testers (ECOLT) (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2010). Assessing grammar for learning. East Coast Association of Language Testers (ECOLT) (Pre-Conference Workshop).

Purpura, J. Ameriks, Y., Dakin, J. W., & Grabowski, K. (2010). Investigating the grammatical domains of meaning conveyance in language assessments and language assessment frameworks. Symposium: Language Testing Research Colloquium, Cambridge, UK. (Symposium Organizer).

Purpura, J. E. (2010). Overview of issues in measuring grammatical and pragmatic knowledge. LTRC, Cambridge, UK (Paper).

Purpura, J. E., & Dakin, J. W. (2010). How do we define grammatical knowledge in terms of form and meaning dimensions at six different CEFR proficiency levels: LTRC, Cambridge, UK. (Paper).

Purpura, J. E., Ameriks, Y., Dakin, J. W., & Grabowski, K. (2010). What is the nature of grammatical knowledge in the CEFR proficiency scales?. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta.

Purpura, J. E., Ameriks, Y., Dakin, J. W., & Grabowski, K. (2010). Measuring pragmatic knowledge at multiple proficiency levels. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta.

Purpura (2010). A learning-oriented approach to assessing grammar in classroom contexts. The Joint TESOL/ILTA Session to be held at TESOL International, Boston (Invited speaker).

Purpura (2009). A workshop on assessing grammar in classroom contexts. Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Meeting in Maynooth, Ireland. (Invited workshop leader).

Purpura, J. Grabowski, K, Dakin, J.W., di Gennaro, K., & Ameriks, Y. (2009). What is the nature of grammatical knowledge in the Common European Framework of Reference Proficiency Scales? ECOLT, Washington, DC., 2009.

Purpura, J. (2009). A learning-oriented approach to assessing grammar in classroom contexts. International Language Assessment Conference (Armenia). (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. (2009).  Assessing grammar Workshop. International Language Assessment Conference (Armenia). (Workshop leader).

Purpura, J. E. (2009).  A workshop on learning-oriented approach to assessing grammar in classroom contexts (2 days). Duke University Foreign Language Department (Invited workshop leader).

Purpura, J. E. (2008). The impact of language assessment on the individual, Association of Language Testers of Europe  (ALTE) 3rd International Conference, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2007). Conceptualizing and measuring meaning in SLA Research, Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, USA (Keynote Speaker).

Purpura, J. E. & Turner, C. (2007). Exploring diverse methodologies and conceptualizations in language testing research. Language Testing Research Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

Purpura, J. E. (2006). Colloquium organizer: Assessing L2 grammar and pragmatics. My paper: Re-examining the measurement of grammatical and pragmatic knowledge. East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT). Washington, DC.

Purpura, J. E. (2006). Comparing dichotomous and polytomous scoring methods on multiple-choice and gap-fill grammar tasks. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). Melbourne, AU.

DeKeyser, R. & Purpura, J. E. Co-chairs of the LTRC/AAAL Colloquium at AAAL (2006): "Towards theoretically meaningful L2 assessments for SLA research." My presentation: "Issues and challenges in measuring SLA." Montreal, Canada.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Re-examining grammar assessment in multiple choice response format exams. Association of Language Testers of Europe Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Purpura, J. (2005). Assessing grammar. Southern California Association of Language Assessment Research (SCALAR) (Workshop).

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Issues in assessing grammar. Southern California Association of Language Assessment Research (SCALAR) (Keynote speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Implementing learning-oriented grammar assessment in the classroom: Challenges and new directions. Asociaci de Profesors d'Angls de Calalunya (APAC). (Invited speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Learner-oriented grammar assessment in the classroom. Department of Education of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Re-examining grammar assessment in multiple choice response format exams. Department of Education of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Challenges and new directions in grammar assessment. University of Leuven, Center for Language and Migration, Leuven, Belgium.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Re-examining grammar assessment in multiple choice response format exams. University of Leuven, Center for Language and Migration, Leuven, Belgium.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Re-examining grammar assessment in the multiple choice response format exams: The case of the ECPE. University of Michigan English Language Institute, Ann Arbor.

Purpura, J. E. (2005). Challenges and new directions in grammar assessment. University of Michigan English Language Institute, Ann Arbor.

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Implementing learning-oriented assessment of grammar: Challenges & New Directions. Association of Language Testers in Europe, Bilbao, Spain (Keynote speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Generating accountability questions in the validation of language tests. Association of Language Testers in Europe, Bilbao, Spain (3-hour workshop).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Challenges and new directions in assessing grammatical ability. University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, Test Validation Unit.

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Challenges and new directions in assessing grammatical ability. Hellenic American Union, Athens, Greece (Keynote speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Implementing learning-oriented assessment of grammar: Challenges & New Directions. Testing Institute at Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey (3-day workshop-sponsored by the US State Dept.).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). New considerations and directions in learning-oriented assessment of grammar. Hacettepe University, Ankara, & Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey (Plenary).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). New considerations and directions in learning-oriented assessment of grammar. Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey (Keynote speaker).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). New considerations and directions in learning-oriented assessment of grammar. Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (2-day workshop).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). Rethinking the foundations of grammar assessment: Challenges and new directions. INGED International Conference at the Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey (Plenary).

Kim, H., Kim, J. W., Liao, A., Park, T., Purpura, J. E., Regan, M., & Wagner, E. (2004). The design, development, and validation of a placement test for the Community English Program at Teachers College, Columbia University (Poster). LTRC (Temecula, CA).

Purpura, J. E. (2004). New considerations in classroom assessment: How can grammar and oral skills assessment be designed to support learning (Invited Speaker). American International Education Foundation Conference. Taiwan.

Purpura, J. E. (2003). Accountability for those who do the counting CUNY ESL Council and the Professional Staff Congress of the City University of New York (NYC). (Featured speaker)

Purpura, J. E. (2003). Investigating the foreign language needs of professional school students (Colloquium organizer) Opening paper: Providing a theoretical framework for assessing foreign language needs. AAAL (Alexandria, VA) (Paper)

Purpura, J. E. (2003). Teaching grammar in foreign language classrooms: What's the latest? (GSAS, Columbia University) (Workshop).

Purpura, J. E. (2002). Validating questionnaires to examine personal factors in second language test performance (Keynote speaker). Current Trends in English Language Testing Conference, Dubai. (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (2002). An overview of language testing for Spanish teaching assistants (Spanish Department, Columbia, University). (Workshop).

Purpura, J. E., & Saville, N. (2001). Validating questionnaires to examine non-linguistic factors in L2 test performance. Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) (Barcelona). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E.& Saville, N. (2001). Developing a computerized system for investigating non-linguistic factors in second language learning and test performance. AAAL & LTRC (St. Louis). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E., Graziano-King, J., Chang, J., Cook, K., Johnson, R., Kim, J. Krohn, N. Wiseman, C. (2001). Investigating the foreign language needs of students in an academic setting. New York State TESOL Conference, Rye, NY. (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (2000). Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Second Language Strategy Research (Colloquium Organizer); Quantitative Approaches to L2 Strategy Research. TESOL International (Vancouver). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1999). Applied Research in Language Testing: Improving Teaching and Curriculum (Discussion co-leader). TESOL International (NYC).

Purpura, J. E. (1998). Assessing the standards: A framework for analysis. New York State TESOL, NYC Regional Conference (New York University). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1998). Using EQS to investigate structural models in language assessment theory (a full-day pre-conference computer workshop for language testing professionals). Language Testing Research Colloquium (Monterey). (Workshop).

Purpura, J. (1998). Modeling the cross-cultural effects of strategy use on performance: A structural equation modeling approach. The American Association for Applied Linguistics (Seattle). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1997). Assessing discussion skills: A multi-dimensional approach. United States Information Agency (USIA). (Workshop in Sao Paolo, Salvador & Vittoria, Brazil).

Purpura, J. E. (1997). Assessing discussion skills: A multi-dimensional approach. Linguistic Society of America (Cornell University). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1997). Examining test taker characteristics and L2 test performance using a multiple-group structural equation modeling approach (Colloquium Co-organizer); An investigation into the effects of strategies on L2 test performance with high and low-ability test takers: A structural equation modeling approach (Paper). Language Testing Research Colloquium (Orlando).

Purpura, J. E. (1996). Fundamental principals in designing theme-based language tests (Plenary); Investigating the relationships between test-taking strategies and performance (paper). TESOL Russia (Moscow State University).

Purpura, J. E. (1996). What is the relationship between Turkish students' learning strategies and their performance on language tests? (Invited speaker). Kara Harp Okulu International Conference (Ankara).

Purpura, J. E. (1996). Investigating the relationships between test taker strategy use and performance on language tests through structural equation modeling. The American Association for Applied Linguistics and TESOL International (Chicago). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1995). Evaluating language performance in Spanish schools according to La Reforma (Paper); Utilizing audiotaped simulations to teach and test discussion skills (Paper); Assessing test usefulness in content-based language tests (Paper). (Invited speaker). TESOL Spain (Barcelona).

Purpura, J. E. (1995). Validating questionnaires designed to measure test takers' selected cognitive background characteristics. The Language Testing Research Colloquium and TESOL International (Long Beach). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1994). Teaching and testing discussion skills (Plenary) & Fundamental considerations in the design of content-based language tests (Plenary). Turkish TESOL (Ankara). These talks also given in Izmir, Adana, Kayseri, & Istanbul (Turkey); & in Prague and Liberac (The Czech Republic).

Purpura, J. E. (1994). Program management issues in EFL institutions (Discussion leader). TESOL International (Baltimore).

Bachman, L., Cushing, S., & Purpura, J. E. (1993). Designing a research questionnaire to explore test taker characteristics. TESOL International (Atlanta). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1993). EFL Textbook writing: selection, grading, continuity (Discussant). TESOL International (Atlanta).

Purpura, J. E. (1993): The role of learner strategies in EFL testing & training. Thai TESOL (Bangkok). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1993). The role of learner strategies in foreign language acquisition & testing. (Invited Speaker). Talks organized by Dunya International & Turkish TESOL (Istanbul, Ankara & Izmir). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1992). Designing communicative tests of achievement. ACHNA Binational Center (Madrid). (Workshop).

Purpura, J. E. (1992). Incorporating language learning strategy training in the classroom (Workshop); Teaching listening (workshop). Talks organized by ScottForesman, Inc. (Barcelona, Madrid & Granada).

Purpura, J. E. (1991). Designing & developing interactive materials to teach pronunciation. TESOL International (NYC). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E., & Rice, A. (1991). (Pre-Conference Co-organizer). Creativity in materials design. TESOL International (NYC). (Paper).

Purpura, J. E. (1990). Teaching pronunciation through communication (Workshop); Developing interactive pronunciation activities (Workshop). The Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).

Scholarly Books

Purpura, J. E. & Turner, C. E. (Contracted). Learning-oriented assessment in language classrooms: Using assessment to gauge and promote language learning. New York: Routledge. (Contracted).

Purpura, J. E. & Kunnan, A. J. (Eds.) (Contracted). The writings of L. F. Bachman: “Assuring that what we count counts” in language assessment. New York: Routledge.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). A Principled Approach to Language Assessment: Considerations for the U.S. Foreign Service Institute. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: https://doi.org/10.17226/25748. (Co-author as member of the Committee on Foreign Language Assessment for the U.S. Foreign service Institute).

Purpura, J. (2004). Assessing grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Purpura, J. (1999). Strategy use and second language test performance: A structural equation modeling approach.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Scholarly Editorships

Purpura, J. E., Editor-in-Chief (2014-2019); Co-Editor (9/2013 to12-2013); Associate Editor (1/2007 to 8/2013). Language Assessment Quarterly.

Kunnan, A. J. & Purpura, J. E., Co-Editors (2013) New Perspectives in Language Assessment. New York, NY: Routledge. (10-12 volumes in contract).

Norris, J., Purpura, J. E., Ross, S. & Xi, X., Co-Editors (2014-2019). Language Assessment at ETS: Innovation and Validation. New York, NY: Routledge (Contracted June 2014).

Selected Articles & Chapters

Purpura, J. E. (In press). A Rationale for using a scenario-based assessment to measure competency-based, situated second and foreign language proficiency. In M. Masperi, C. Cervini, & Y. Bardière (Eds.), Évaluation des acquisitions langagières: Du formatif au certificatif. MediAzione,

Xi, X., Norris, J., Ockey, G., Fulcher, G., & Purpura. J. E. (2021). Assessing academic speaking. In X. Xi, & J. M. Norris (Eds.), Assessing English for Higher Education Admissions.  New York, NY: Routledge.

Purpura, J. E., Davoodifard, M., & Voss, E. (2021). Conversion to Remote Proctoring of an Online Language Placement Exam. Language Assessment Quarterly, https://doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2020.1867145

Purpura, J. E., & Dakin, J. W. (2020). Assessment of the linguistic resources of communication. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: Assessment and Evaluation (pp. 1-10). Oxford, UK: Wiley.

Green, J. P., McCloy, R. A., Purpura, J. E., Oppler, Scott, H., Wilmot, M. P., & Zweifel, M. J. (2020). Addressing the Need for a two-Skill Assessment of Speaking and Participatory Listening. Technical Report 2020 No. 021, prepared for the Defense Language and National Security Education Office under the US Depart of Defense. Alexandria, VA: Humrro.

Leung, C., Davison. C., East, M., Evans, M., Green, A, Hamp-Lyons, L., Liu, L., & Purpura, J. E. (2018). Using assessment to promote learning: Clarifying constructs, theories, and practices. In J. McE. Davis, J. M. Norris, M. E. Malone, T. McKay, & Y. A. Son (Eds.), Useful assessment and evaluation in language education. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Purpura, J. E. (2017). Assessing meaning. In E. Shohamy & L. Or (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol. 7. Language Testing and Assessment. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-02326-7_1-1

Purpura, J. E. (2016). Second and foreign language assessment. Modern Language Journal, 100 (Supplement 2016), pp. 190-208. (Centennial Issue).

Turner, C. E. & Purpura, J. E. (2016). Learning-oriented assessment in second and foreign language classrooms. In D. Tsagari & J. Baneerjee (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Assessment (pp. 255-272). Boston, MA: De Gruyter, Inc.

Purpura, J. E., & Christison, M. A. (2016). A lifetime of language testing: An interview with Adrian S. (Buzz) Palmer. Language Assessment Quarterly, 14(2), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15434303.2016.1166228.

Purpura, J., E., Brown, J. D., & Schoonen, R. (2015). Improving the validity of quantitative measures in applied language research. Language Learning, 65(1), pp. 36-73.

Purpura, J. (2014). Cognition and language assessment. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to Language Assessment (pp. 1452-1476). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Purpura, J. (2014). Language learner styles and strategies. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. Brinton, & A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (4th ed.) (pp. 532-549). Boston, MA: National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning.

Purpura, J. (2013). Assessment of grammar. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Companion to Language Assessment (pp. 100-124). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Purpura, J. (2013). Assessment of grammar. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics: Assessment and Evaluation (pp. 1-10). Oxford, UK: Wiley.

Purpura, J. E. (2011). Quantitative research methods in assessment and testing. In C. Chapelle & E. Hinkel (Eds.), Validation in language assessment. Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume (pp. 731-751). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Purpura, J. E. (2009). The impact of large-scale and classroom-based language assessments on the individual. In C. Weir & L. Taylor (Eds.), Language testing matters: Investigating the wider social and educational impact of assessment – Proceedings of the ALTE Cambridge Conference, April 2008 (pp. 301-325). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Purpura, J. (2008). Assessing communicative language ability: Models and components. In N. Hornberger & E. Shohamy (Eds.) (pp. 53-68), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol 7. Language Testing and Assessment. Kluwar Academic Publishers.

Bachman, L., & Purpura, J. E. (2008). Language Assessments: Gate-keepers or Door-openers? In B. Spolsky & F. M. Hult (Eds.), The Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp. 456-468). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

Purpura, J. & Graziano-King, J. (2004). Investigating the foreign language needs of professional school students in international and public affairs: A multidimensional approach. http://www.tc.columbia.edu/academic/tesol/Webjournal/index.html

Purpura, J. (2004). Validating Questionnaires to Examine Personal Factors in L2 Test Performance. In M. Milanovich & C. Weir (Eds.), European Language Testing in a  Global Context.  Proceedings of the Association of Language Testers of Europe (ALTE) Conference in Barcelona (pp. 93-115). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Purpura, J., Graziano-King, J., Chang, J., Cook, K., Kim, J., Krohn, N., & Wiseman, C. (2003). An Analysis of the Foreign Language Needs of SIPA Students at Columbia University: The SIPA Needs Assessment Project. Technical Report submitted the Mellon Foundation via a grant from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University.

Purpura, J. (1998). Investigating the effects of strategy use and second language test performance with high- and low-ability test takers: A structural equation modeling approach. Language Testing, 15(3), 333-379.

Purpura, J. (1998). The development and construct validation of an instrument designed to investigate the cognitive background characteristics of test-takers. In A. J. Kunnan (Ed.), Validation in Language Assessment (pp. 111-139). Mahwah, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum  Associates, Inc.

Purpura, J. (1997). An analysis of the relationships between test takers' cognitive and metacognitive strategy use and second language test performance. Language Learning, 47(2), pp. 289-294. (Won the 1997 ILTA Best Paper in Language Testing Award).

Selected ESOL Textbooks

Purpura, J. & Pinkley, D. (2000). On Target 2 (2nd Ed.). White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Purpura, J. & Pinkley, D. (1999). On Target 1 (2nd Ed.). White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Purpura, J. & Brenzy, P. (1992). In Charge 2. Glenview, Ill: ScottForesman

Purpura, J. & Pinkley, D. (1991). On Target 1. White Plains, NY: Addison-Wesley Longman (Pearson Publishers).

Purpura, J. & Pinkley, D. (1990). On Target 2. White Plains, NY: Addison-Wesley Longman (Pearson Publishers).

ESOL Tests

Purpura, J. E., Ameriks, Y., Dakin, J. W., & Grabowski, K. (2009). The Oxford Online Placement Test Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Purpura, J. E., Cook, K, Kim, J., Kim, H., McCormack, M, Regan, M., & Wagner, E. (2003). Achievement Tests for In Charge 2. White Plains, NY: Pearson Publishers.

Purpura, J. E., Cook, K, Kim, J., Kim, H., McCormack, M, Regan, M., & Wagner, E. (2003). Achievement Tests for In Charge 1. White Plains, NY: Pearson Publishers.

Purpura, J. E., Bino, A., Gallagher, J., Ingram, M., Kim, H-Jin, Kim, H-Joo, Kim, J-Wha, & Tsai, C. (2001). Achievement Tests for On Target 2. White Plains, NY: Pearson Publishers.

Purpura, J. E., Bino, A., Gallagher, J., Ingram, M., Kim, H-Jin, Kim, H-Joo, Kim, J-Wha, & Tsai, C. (2001). Achievement Tests for On Target 1. White Plains, NY: Pearson Publishers. 


Service to Referred Journals

9/13 to 2019Serve as Editor of Language Assessment Quarterly
2003 to 2013Served first on the editorial board of Language Assessment Quarterly, then as Associate Editor and more recently as Senior Associate Editor.
1993 to presentReview articles for Language Assessment Quarterly, Language Testing, Language Learning, Applied Linguistics, TESOL Quarterly, Canadian Modern Language Review, Issues in Applied Linguistics, Scientific Studies of Reading, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
2004 to 2006Served on the Editorial Advisory Board of Language Testing.
2003 to 2005Served on the Editorial Advisory Board of Language Assessment Quarterly.
2001 to 2005Served on the Editorial Advisory Board of TESOL Quarterly.
2000 & 2001Served as referee for the small grants program offered by Language Learning.
1992Served as Advertising Editor for Issues in Applied Linguistics, TESL/Applied Linguistics, and UCLA.

Service to Language Assessment Professional Associations

2016Will serve as the Program Co-Chair (with Monica Barni) of the Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) sponsored by International Language Testing Association (ILTA) (Ratified by members). To be held in Palermo, Sicily.
2014Serve as the 2014 TCCRISLs Roundtable Faculty Organizer on the topic of Learning-Oriented Assessment.
2014 to presentServe as the Co-Chair of the “TC-ETS Forum on Language Assessment” (with Tom Van Essen from ETS), a collaboration between TC and ETS on language assessment research and practice.
2005 to presentServe as “Expert Member” of European Association of Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA).
2003 to presentServe on the steering committee of East Coast Organization of Language Testers (ECOLT).
2000 to presentServe as conference proposal evaluator for the AAAL, LTRC, ECOLT, SLRF, & EALTA.
2009 to 2010Served as Immediate Past President of the International Language Testing Association (ILTA).
2007 to  2008Served as (first two year) President of the International Language Testing Association (Elected).
2007Served as the 2007 LTRC Program Co-Chair (with Carolyn Turner) sponsored by ILTA. Held in Barcelona, Spain.
2006Served as Vice-President of ILTA (Elected).
1997 to 2000Served as coordinator of publishers' exhibit at the LTRC Vancouver (2000) (in collaboration with Jee Wha Kim & Matthew Wagner), LTRC Monterey (1998) & LTRC Orlando (1997).
2001 to 2003Served as member-at-large on the Executive Board of ILTA (Elected).
2000 to 2003Served as chair of the ILTA committee to select the Best Article of the Year in Language Testing.
2002Served as member of the ILTA nominating committee (Elected).
1998 to 1999Served as member and then chair of the nominating committee of the ILTA (Elected).
1997Served as Associate Conference Chair for the LTRC, Orlando, FL.
1995Served as Associate Local Chair for the LTRC, Long Beach, CA.


Selected Professional Experience Beyond Columbia University

Summer  2015Distinguished Visiting Professor, The American University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. Teaching A learning-oriented approach to language assessment in classrooms and large-scale assessments and Examining the role of technology in promoting engagement and L2 processing in learning-oriented assessments.
Summer  2014Invited Professor, University for Foreigners in Siena, Italy. Teaching language assessment in the Summer Institute of the European Association of Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA).
Summer 2012, 2013, & 2014Invited Professor, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. Taught SLA, intro to language assessment, advanced principles of language test development & learning-oriented assessment.
2009, 2010, & 2014Invited Professor, Applied Linguistics Program, Hellenic-American University, Athens, Greece. Ph.D. Program consultant. Taught L2 Assessment, Advanced L2 Assessment, & Performance Assessment.
Spring 2012Invited Professor, A learning orientation to classroom-based assessments of grammar and meaning. (Distinguished Lecture Series, Temple University, Tokyo & Osaka).
Summer 2011 & 2007Invited Professor, Department of English & German Philology, University of Barcelona, Spain. Taught Test Design and Development.
Summer 98Invited Professor, ESADE Idiomas, Spain. Taught Introduction L2 Assessment for Spanish & Catalan Schoolteachers.



Professor of Linguistics & Education (1995 to present), Applied Linguistics & TESOL Program. Conduct research, serve as expert consultant, and provide leadership within and beyond TC in second and foreign language (L2) assessment

Built the second and foreign language assessment track (M.A., Ed.M. and doctorate). Courses in this track include: Introduction to L2 Assessment; History of L2 Testing; Classroom-Based Language Assessment (Focus on learning-oriented assessment and scenario-based assessment); SLA & Assessment; L2 Performance Assessment (IRT); Language Test Validation (Structural equation modeling);  Generalizability theory in Language Assessment; Special Topics in Language Assessment; Internship in Language Assessment; and Doctoral Seminar in Language Assessment.

Have also taught: Research Methods in TESOL/AL; Conversation Analysis; Second Language Acquisition; Pedagogical English Grammar; and Supervised Student Teaching K-12. Tenured 2004.

Director of the Scenario-Based Language Assessment Lab (2017 to present). Provide intellectual leadership on the design, development, and validation of scenario-based assessments in five languages (English, Italian, Korean, Persian, & Arabic). Oversee staff consisting of a program manager, 4 research fellows, and two work study students. Oversee the budget. Write research proposals to pursue funding. (20

Director of both the Applied Linguistics & TESOL Programs (2008-2013). Provided intellectual leadership for the Applied Linguistics & TESOL Programs. Served as internal & external representative of the programs. Spearheaded new program development initiatives. Oversaw the day-to-day administrative operations of the programs including admissions, financial aid, scheduling, certification, search committees, & student/faculty issues. Prepared and/or oversaw the annual budget. Supervised lecturers & mentored junior faculty members. 

Director of the TESOL Program (2000-2013). Same responsibilities as above, but with respect to the TESOL Program only. 

Scenario-Based Language Assessment Lab

Principal Investiator: Professor James Enos Purpura

Project Manager: Dr. Payman Vafaee

Inspired by the work of Randy Bennett, Tenaha O'Reilly, John Sabatini, and others at ETS on the use of scenarios as a basis for measuring performance in the content areas (math, science, L1 literacy), the TC SBA Research Lab is devoted to examining the use of scanarios to measure the knowledge, skills, and abilities of second and foreign language learners, as they work with a virtual team online, to respond to a carefully sequenced set of tasks leading to the resolution of a problem that resembles one they are likely to encounter in real life.

This approach assumes that in entering a problem-solving situation with others, examinees will adapt appropriately to the sociocultural context of the situation (the contextual dimension). They will then be presented with a sceanario goal (the culminating task) along with a series of tasks that will support their achievement of the final goal. Thus, each step along the way will will ask examinees to do something (the elicitation dimension) related to the final goal. In responding to these tasks, examinees will need to use their linguistic resources to understand spoken and written texts, analyze the information, consolidate the takeaways, and ultimately use these takeaways to communicate with others in written or spoken forms (proficiency dimension: language and content. In this approach, it is assumed that the texts will serve to teach examinees something about the topic (instructional dimension), and that examinees will develop understandings about the topic and even about language (socio-cognitive dimension) as they are involved in resolving the culminating goal. Given the game-like nature of the scenario, the approach is designed to engage examinees cognitively and dispositionally (the affective dimension). Finally, as examinees work to solve the problem, they have to interact with other team members through chats (interactional dimension). These chats serve to provide team members with assistance and emotional support. As seen from this description, the SBAs are grounded in a learning-oriented approach to assessment (Purpura & Turner, 2018; Turner & Purpura, 2016), where each of these dimensions is specified and addressed in test development and validation. 

So far, the Lab has produced Version 1 of the English SBA. This is now being revised following empirical analyses, which will produce Version 2. At the same time, the Lab is beginning the development of a Korean and Persian SBA, that will be parallel to the English version. 

Beyond this particular project, a number of doctoral students in the Language Assessment Track at TC are doing research of SBAs that they have created. This work will be presented in a symposium at the 2021 Language Testing Research Colloquium in Tunis, Tunisia (Purpura & Banerjee, 2021). 


Purpura, J. E. & Turner, C. E. (2018). Using Learning-Oriented Assessment in Test Development (Invited workshop) Language Testing Research Colloquium, Auckland, New Zealand.  

Purpura, J. E. & Banerjee, H. L. (2021). Rethinking Second Language Proficiency Assessment Using a Scenario-Based Assessment Approach: Opportunities and Challenges (Symposium). Language Testing Research Colloquium, Tunis, Tunisia.

Turner, C. E. & Purpura, J. E. (2016). Learning-oriented assessment in second and foreign language classrooms. In D. Tsagari & J. Baneerjee (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Assessment (pp. 255-272). Boston, MA: De Gruyter, Inc.

Scenario-Based Assessment Research Lab

Principal Investigator: Professor James Enos Purpura

This research investigates the use of scenarios to measure English language learners’ ability to use the the second or foreign language to collaboratively solve a problem online. The assessments are designed to simulate real-world conditions for this activity, where team members would be able to display their competencies, interact with peers, and learn something during the course of collaborative problem solving. The English assessments target three levels of L2 proficiency. This same technique is being used to develop parallel assessments of L2 Korean, Persian, Italian, and Arabic to exam performance characteristics cross-linguistically. All five exams use a learning-oriented assessment approach to test design and validation of claims. 

  • Han, Qie (Chelsea). (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2020). Investigating the Combined Effects of Rater Expertise, Working Memory Capacity, and Cognitive Functionality on the Scoring of Second Language Speaking Performance.
  • Getman, Edward. (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2020). Age, task characteristics, and acoustic indicators of engagement: Investigations into the validity of a technology-enhanced speaking test for young language learners.
  • Liu Banerjee, Han-Ting (Heidi). (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2019). Investigating the Construct of Topical Knowledge in a Scenario-Based Assessment Designed to Simulate Real-Life Second Language Use.
  • Oh, Saehrim. (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2017). Investigating Test-takers’ Use of Linguistic Tools in Second Language Academic Writing Assessment. (won the ETS Best Dissertation in Language Testing Award).
  • Kim, Ahyoung (Alicia). (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2011). Examining Second Language Reading Components in Relation to Reading Test Performance for Diagnostic Purposes: A Fusion Model Approach.
  • Kim, Hyun Jung. (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2011). Investigating raters’ development of rating ability on a second language speaking assessment.
  • DiGennaro, Kristen. (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2011). An exploration into the writing ability of generation 1.5 and international second language writers: A mixed methods approach.
  • Dakin, Jee Wha (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2010). Investigating the Simultaneous Growth of and Relationship between Grammatical Knowledge and Civics Content Knowledge of Low-Proficiency Adult ESL Learners.
  • Perrone, Michael (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2010). The Impact of the First Certificate of English (FCE) on the EFL Classroom: A Washback Study.
  • Grabowski, Kirby (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2009). Investigating the Construct Validity of a Test Designed to Measure Grammatical and Pragmatic Knowledge in the Context of Speaking (Won the ETS Best Dissertation in Language Testing Award).
  • Kim, Hyunjoo (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2009). Investigating the effects of context and language speaking ability.
  • Ameriks, Yoko (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2009). Investigating Validity Across Two Test Forms of the Examination of Proficiency in English (ECPE): Multi-Group Structural Equation Modeling Approach.
  • Liao, Yen-Fen (Alick) (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2009). Construct Validation Study of the GEPT Reading and Listening Sections: Re-examining the Models of L2 Reading and Listening Abilities and Their Relations to Lexico-grammatical knowledge.
  • Wiseman, Cynthia (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2008). Examining Rater Effects and Process of Using a Holistic and Analytic Rubric.
  • Krohn, Nitza (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2007). An examination of the Hebrew Language Needs of Students in the Jewish Theological Seminary.
  • Park, Taejoon (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2007). Investigating the Construct Validity of the Community Language Program English Writing Test.
  • Wagner, Mathew (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2006). Utilizing the Visual Channel: An Investigation of the Use of Videotexts on Tests of Second Language Listening Ability (Won the Best Paper in Language Testing Award).
  • Een, John (Ed.D. in International Educational Development). (2005). Theme-based ESL Instruction and Attitudinal Change.
  • Chang, Jaehak (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). Examining Models of Second Language Knowledge with Specific Reference to Relative Clauses: A Model-Comparison Approach. (Spring 2004).
  • Tsai, Constance (Ed.D. in TESOL). (2004). Investigating the relationships between ESL learners’ writing strategy use and writing ability.
  • Fen, Ho-Ping (Ed.D. in TESOL). (2001). An analysis of the relationships between source material and EFL writing ability.
  • Mori, Reiko (Ed.D. in TESOL). (2000). Two Post-Secondary ESL Teachers' Beliefs about Classroom Instruction and How their Beliefs are Reflected in their Classroom Practice.

Dissertation Committee Member (TC)

  • Zhao, Yihan (Ph.D. in Measurement) (2020). Studies of Rater and Item Effects in Rater Models. (Third Member) (Sponsor: Larry T. DiCarlo)
  • Wilson, Duncan (Ed.D. in Education). (2018) Unpacking Assessment: Understanding Teacher Agency in the Creation and Use of Local Assessments (Member) (Outside reader) (Sponsor: Thomas Hatch).
  • Le, Rong Rong (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2018) The pragmatic-discursive structure of Chinese compliments in naturally-occurring conversation. (Member) (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • DelPrete, Domenica (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2015) Mother-adolescent daughter interaction: How maternal roles affect discursive outcomes. (Member) (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Cristina Romeo (Ed.D. in English Education). (2015) Negotiating our realities: A multi-case study of teachers’ perceptions and implementations of the common core writing standards. (Member) (Sponsor: Ruth Vinz)
  • Lenger Kang, Roberta (Ed.D. in English Education). (2014) Assessment Matters: Negotiating the New York State English Regents Exam. (Member) (Sponsor: Ruth Vinz)
  • Ronan, Briana, (Ed.D. in Bilingual/Bicultural Education). (2014). Moving across Languages and Other Modes: Emergent Bilinguals and Their Meaning Making in an Online Space. (Member) (Sponsor: JoAnne Kleifgan)
  • Choong, Phillip, (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2013). Examining Reasoning in a Task-Based Language Approach. (Second) (Sponsor: ZhaoHong Han)
  • Ekiert, Monika, (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2010). Investigating Articles as Expressions of Definiteness in English as a Second Language (Second) (Sponsor: ZhaoHong Han)
  • Purdy, J. D. (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2010). Unaccusativity and Neurocognitive Indices of Second Language Acquisition: An ERP Study. (Second) (Sponsor: Karen Froud)
  • Wagner, Santoi (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2009). Disputants’ talk in mediation: A single case study. (Member) (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Revesz, Andrea (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2007). Focus on form in task-based language teaching: Recasts, task complexity, and L2 learning. (Second) (Sponsor: ZhaoHong Han)
  • Suh, Joowon (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2006). Other-Initiated Repair in English Lingua Franca Business Negotiation. (Member) (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Seol, Hee-Kyung (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2006). The Impact of Age and L1 Influence on L2 Ultimate Attainment (Member) (Sponsor: ZhaoHong Han)
  • Hetherman, Stephen C. (Ph.D. in Measurement). (2004) An application of multi-faceted Rasch measurement to monitor effectiveness of the written composition test in English in the New York City Department of Education. (Member) (Sponsor: M, Chatterji)
  • Beaumont, John (Ed.D. in TESOL). (2003). Passing as a teacher: An ethnographic account of entering the TESOL profession. (Second). Sponsor: Hervé Varenne)
  • Dimitrova, Evelina. (Ed.D. in TESOL). (2003). A discourse analysis of the paired interview in the University of Cambridge First Certificate of English Proficiency Exam. (Second) (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Korsko, Paula (Ed.D. in TESOL). (2003) The narrative shape of a two-party complaint: A discourse analytic study of European Portuguese. (Second). (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Cho, Yunkyoung (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2003). An examination of epistemic markers in Korean. (Member) (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Nottono, Miharu (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics): (2003). Japanese hedging in friend-friend discourse. (Member). (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Naomi Fujita (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2001). Investigating Japanese politeness strategies in school meetings (Member). (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Zhang-Waring, Hansan (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (2000). Conversational analysis of academic discussion skills. (Second). (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Sanabria, Kim (Ph.D. in the Teaching of Spanish). (2000). Trópico en Manhattan: Fotografía literaria de la comunidad puertorriqueña en Nueva York a mediados del siglo veinte. (Member). (Sponsor: M. Rubin)
  • Bordao, Rafael (Ph.D. in the Teaching of Spanish). (1999). La sátira, la ironía y el carnaval literario en "Leprosorio" (Trilogía Poética) de Reinaldo Arenas. (Member). (Sponsor: M. Rubin)
  • Cavas, Margaret Rafael (Ed.D. in the Teaching of Spanish). (1999). Second Language Learner Strategies and the Unsuccessful Second Language Writer. (Member). (Sponsor: M. Rubin)
  • Gavis, Wendy A. (Ed.D. in Applied Linguistics). (1998). Stative Verbs in the Progressive Aspect: A study semantic, pragmatic, syntactic and discourse patterns. (Member). (Sponsor: Leslie Beebe)
  • Castro-Cid, Maria Isabel (Ed.D. in the Teaching of Spanish). (1998). Diseño de un manual para enseñar inglés comercial a hispanoparlantes (Member). (Sponsor: M. Rubin)

Defense Language Testing Advisory Panel (DELTAP), 2010 - present

International Language Testing Association (ILTA), member since 1992, Past President, 2007-2008

Association of Language Testers of Europe (ALTE), individual expert member 

American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Member.

English Language Specialist Fulbright Hays, English Language Specialist (Costa Rica), 2015 - present

National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (2019-2020), Member of the Committee on Foreign Language Assessment or the U.S. Foreign Service Institute.

European Association of Language Testers, Expert Member, 2005 - 2018. 

East Coast Organization of Language Testers (EALTA), Steering Committee, 2003 - 2018.

Fulbright Scholar Grant for Teaching and Research at the University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy (2017).

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